
Sunday 25 September 2016


2016-39  Dr Edward Bach: Selecting Flower Remedies

Selecting Flower Remedies

Dr Bach wanted his system to be easy to use. Anyone can select and take remedies without professional advice. You don't need special techniques or mystical abilities. Here's what to do.

Physical problems

Suppose you are suffering from asthma. There is no Bach remedy for asthma, since this is a physical complaint. So the first step is to forget about the physical problem. Instead of concentrating on the asthma, think about how you feel emotionally, and about the sort of person you are.
Similarly, when it comes to selecting Bach remedies you should ignore any physical symptoms. They are not relevant to which Bach remedies you need.
The remedies work on a emotional level. If you need help with a physical problem you should consult a qualified medical advisor in addition to taking Bach remedies.

Your current feelings

Start by thinking about the way you feel at the moment. Perhaps your son is about to start school and quite without cause you are frightened that he will be bullied? - Red Chestnut is the remedy for the fear that something bad will happen to loved ones. Perhaps you have been working too hard and are exhausted? - this would indicate the need for Olive.
Consult the list of remedies - there are only 38 - and see which ones best match your current feelings.
If you do have a physical problem, consider how it makes you feel emotionally. Do you feel frustrated, annoyed, resentful, discouraged, resigned about the condition? Are you always thinking it about it? Does it make you feel anxious?
As before, look through the list of remedies and find those that best match how you feel.

Your personality

You could also think about your basic personality - the sort of person you are underneath everything else.
Perhaps you are someone who tends to be quiet, shy and timid, and doesn't like meeting new new people? - This might indicate that you are a Mimulus type.
On the other hand, maybe you recognise yourself as a Vervain person, full of enthusiasm and energy, and committed to justice for others? 

Or you might be something of a loner, liking quiet pursuits and your own company, reserved and upright? - That would be a Water Violet personality.
Don't worry if you can't find a personality remedy right away, though. The important thing is to select remedies for your current emotions.

Narrowing the choice

You can select up to five different remedies [Rescue Remedy is a combination of Star of B, Rock Rose, Impatiens, Clematis and Cherry Plum] in this way. Don't worry if you make a wrong selection, because if a remedy is not needed it won't do anything - it certainly won't make things worse.
Experience has shown, however, that too many remedies taken at one time tends to lessen the effect. This means that there is no point mixing all 38 to zap everything at once!
If you find you have more than seven or eight remedies in your mix, you are probably including some that are not needed. Leave out any that relate to feelings that are in the past, and any that aren't really needed because another remedy is more accurate.
For example, if you have several fear remedies in your mix - such as Mimulus,AspenRock Rose - it may be better to concentrate on the remedy that most accurately represents the quality of your anxiety.

Getting help

There is a full list of remedies on this web site; links lead to individual pages on each remedy. We also have a guide to dosage.
If you need some help to get started, or if you get stuck and would like an outside opinion, you can always consult a Bach Foundation Registered Practitioner. BFRPs act as teachers and advisors, and will give you the confidence to select remedies for yourself, and for your family and friends.

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