
Sunday 28 July 2013


2013-26  Dr Deepak Chopra: Holistic Healing Interview

[Dr. Deepak Chopra has been at the forefront of a major trend in holistic healing. In 1984, he helped to introduce Ayurvedic medicine to the United States, and within a year he established an Ayurvedic Health Centre of Stress Management and Behavioral Medicine in Lancaster, Massachusetts. He was also the founding President of the American Association of Ayurvedic Medicine. Since that time, he has emerged as one of the world's leading proponents of this innovative combination of Eastern and Western healing.

Chopra combines ancient mind/body wisdom with current anti-aging research to show that the effects of aging are largely preventable. By changing your perception of aging and by being aware of your body and how it processes intelligence and experience, you will change how you age.]

Sunday 21 July 2013


2013-25 Dr Deepak Chopra: Quantum Healing

[Dr Deepak Chopra is a world-renowned authority in the field of mind-body healing, a best-selling author of numerous books on mind-body health, quantum mechanics, spirituality, and peace, and the founder of the Chopra Center for Wellbeing. Dr Deepak Chopra has brought together the current research of Western medicine, neuroscience, and physics with the insights of Ayurveda,  humanities’ most ancient healing tradition, to show that the human body is controlled by a "network of intelligence" grounded in quantum reality. This intelligence lies deep enough to change the basic patterns that design our physiology -- with the potential to defeat cancer, heart disease, and even aging itself.  In this inspiring and pioneering work, Dr. Chopra offers us both a fascinating intellectual journey and a deeply moving chronicle of hope and healing. This is an extraordinary new approach to healing by an extraordinary physician-writer - a book filled with the mystery, wonder, and hope of people who have experienced seemingly miraculous recoveries from cancer and other serious illnesses.] 

Sunday 14 July 2013


2013-24: Caroline A Mason: The Wind that blows; that wind is best.

[ Caroline Atherton Mason (1823-1890) graduated from Bradford Academy in 1844. Her early poetry, much of it published under the name "Caro," appeared in such local newspapers as the Salem Register. Notable among them was "Do They Miss Me at Home?" (1844), later set to music and sung to Civil War audiences. Her first collection of poetry, Utterances, or Private Voices to the Public Heart, appeared in 1852. Throughout her life, CAM wrote short stories, essays, hymns, poetry and frequent letters to the local newspapers, often signing these only "C.A.M." She was a regular contributor to periodicals as well as to newspapers.  Read her "Buttercups" here and follow it up with "The Voyage" ].


Buttercups among the grass, 
Smiling on us as we pass, 
Lifting up such happy faces, —
        Starry-bright and bathed in dew

        Ah, if we could be like you, 
Each contented in our places!
"Whether skies be bright or sad, 
Little matters: you are glad, 
Darlings, in all sorts of weather 
Just as happy here as there" 

Whichever way the wind doth blow,
Some heart is glad to have it so;
Then blow it east or blow it west,
The wind that blows, that wind is best.

My little craft sails not alone:
A thousand fleets from every zone
Are out upon a thousand seas;
And what for me were favoring breeze
Might dash another, with the shock
Of doom, upon some hidden rock.

And so I do not dare to pray
For winds to waft me on my way,
But leave it to a Higher Will
To stay or speed me; trusting still
That all is well, and sure that He
Who launched my bark will sail with me
Through storm and calm, and will not fail,
Whatever breezes may prevail,
To land me, every peril past,
Within his sheltering heaven at last.

Then, whatsoever wind doth blow,
My heart is glad to have it so;
And blow it east or blow it west,
The wind that blows, that wind is best.
                                                                                       by Caroline A Mason

Sunday 7 July 2013


2013-23 Ella Wheeler Wilcox: Don't look for the flaws as you go through Life

Ella Wheeler Wilcox (1850-1919)was one of the most popular poets in her time, her verse appearing in innumerable magazines, periodicals and books. She has probably been read by many more people than poets who have been considered her superiors. She wrote for the same reason that a bird sings. It was what she was made for. Her poetry was very popular, generally written in plain, rhyming verse. Her works include Poems of Passion(1883), Poems of Peace (1906), Poems of Experience (1910), and Poems (1919). Her best-known work was Poems of Passion. Her most popular poem was " Solitude", which contains the lines: "Laugh, and the worldlaughs with you; Weep, and you weep alone"."The art of being kind" was her religion, and she lived it every day of her life. The world is better because Ella Wheeler Wilcox lived.]

by Ella Wheeler Wilcox

Don't look for the flaws as you go through life
And even when you find them,
It is wise and kind to be somewhat blind
And look for the virtues behind them.
For the cloudiest night has a hint of light
Somewhere in its shadows hiding;
It is better by far to hunt for a star,
Than the spots on the sun abiding.

The current of life runs ever away
To the bosom of God's great ocean.
Don't set your force 'gainst the river's course
And think to alter its motion.
Don't waste a curse on the universe --
Remember it lived before you.
Don't butt at the storm with your puny form,
But bend and let it go o'er you.

The world will never adjust itself
To suit your whims to the letter.
Some things must go wrong your whole life long,
And the sooner you know it the better.
It is folly to fight with the Infinite,
And go under at last in the wrestle;
The wiser man shapes into God's plan
As water shapes into a vessel.