
Sunday 31 May 2015


2015-22 O.S.Marden: "Superiority the Best Trademark"

                                        Superiority the best Trademark

                                       [Chapter XVI in The Optimistic Life]

Men spend large sums of money and a great deal of thought, nowadays, in protecting the products of their brains and their hands by copyrights and patents. Even then their ideas are appropriated and imitated by others. There is one safe way, however, by which we can protect the works of brains and muscles, and that is by Superiority -- doing things a little better than anybody else can do them. 

Stradivarius Violin
Stradivarius did not need any patent on his violins. For, nobody else was willing to take such pains to put the stamp of superiority upon his instruments.

Graham Clock

The name of Graham on a chronometer was protection enough, because nobody else at that time could make such a perfect time-piece.

Tiffany Silverware

The name of Tiffany on a piece of silverware or jewelry has been all the protection it has needed for half a century.

Such names which are synonymous with honesty, are equal to any trade-mark or patent whenever and wherever they are found. 

These names stand for character, which is the consummate protector and best advertisement, and they are mentioned with respect.

If you resolutely determine at the very outset of your career that you will let no work go out of your hands until it is done just as well as you can do it; that you will put your character into your work, and set upon it your personal nobility you will need no other protection, no patent or copyright.

Your work and you will be in demand. Better still, your conscience will be clear, your self-respect firm, and your mind serene and happy.

Full Text of O.S.Marden's "Optimistic Life" : [Click Here]


Sunday 24 May 2015


2015-21  O.S.Marden: "Love's Way"


Dr. Orison Swett Marden (1848–1924) was an American inspirational author who wrote on success in life and how to achieve it. His writings discuss common-sense principles and virtues that make for a well-rounded, successful life. Many of his ideas are based on New Thought philosophy.
His first book, Pushing to the Front (1894), became an instant best-seller and remains a classic in the genre of self-help. Marden later published fifty or more books and booklets.
                                                            Love's Way

"Come unto me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest." Is not that a personal invitation from the divine physician, Love? And if you accept it, with all that it means, you will realize that peace which "passeth all understanding." Your cares and difficulties will melt and dissolve as snow melts and dissolves under the sun's rays.

Love is the great leveling up force of the world. Nothing else has ever made such a tremendous appeal to those who have botched their lives and thrown away their chances, those whose lives have been blasted by ignorance, by sin or other unfortunate conditions.

Love does not condemn, does not criticize, does not judge, does not punish, does not ostracize, does not exclude. This is not love's way. To the worst criminal, to the most degraded sinner, it simply says "Go and sin no more." This is its only condemnation.

Love's way is Christ's way. It says, "Love your enemies, bless those that curse you;" "Let him that is without sin cast the first stone"; and on this condition no one can cast a stone because there is no one without sin, no one without some weakness as unfortunate as his neighbor's.

Love is the only force in the universe that can say:

 “I am that power which causes human beings of the most diverse temperaments to live together in peace and harmony; which makes home so beautiful, a heaven on earth.”

“My mission on earth is to help, to heal, to uplift, to bring cheer and comfort, happiness to every one of God's children. I am the good Samaritan who heals -the wounds which the selfish, the hard-hearted pass by with indifference. I am the spirit behind the Red Cross, the Salvation Army, and all other organizations of mercy. I am the power back of all movements which are for the betterment of the world, the upliftment of man.”

“I am that which takes the sting out of sorrow and the bitterness out of disappointment; that which heals the broken heart, breathes hope to the discouraged, and good cheer to
the despondent.”

“I am the voice of God, crying to his children — Come unto me all ye that are downcast, discouraged, despairing, who think your ambitions are thwarted, and that there is no more hope for you, come unto me and I will renew your lives.”


One who has tried love's way in working out life's problems says, "I find it a charm. It is a preventive against sin, disease, unhappiness, and brings with it health and prosperity."

Whatever your business, whatever your trials and difficulties, love will ease the jolts of life and smooth your way miraculously.

Love's way includes everything that is beautiful, everything that is kind and good and clean and true, everything that is worth having. It carries no regrets, it never leaves us sorry. It is pure as the life of a little child. There is always an Amen of the soul to all its acts. Love's way always leads us aright, because it is the God way.

In three words, the Bible gives us all its limitless meaning: "God is love."

                                                     Story of the Sunbeam

A sunbeam heard there were places on the earth so dark, dismal and gloomy that it was impossible to describe them. The sunbeam resolved to find these places, and started on its journey with lightning speed. It visited the caverns of the earth. It glided into sunless homes, into dark alleys, into underground cellars; it wandered everywhere in its quest to see what the darkness was like, but the sunbeam never found the darkness because wherever it went it carried its own light with it. Every spot it visited, no matter how dark and dismal before its entry, was brightened and cheered by its presence.

Like the sun love irradiates and warms into life all that it touches. It is to the human heart what the sun is to the rose. It brings out all the fragrance and beauty, all the color and richness, all the possibilities infolded in it. Love brings out all that is best in us, because it appeals to the no'blest sentiments, the loftiest ideals. True love elevates, purifies, and strengthens every heart it touches. It lifts us above ourselves because it sees only the best in us.


Full Text of O.S.Marden's "LOVE'S WAY' in pdf: [Click Here]


Sunday 17 May 2015


2015-20 Robert Browning: Pippa Passes - "All's right with the world"

Robert Browning [1812-1889] Pippa's Song

Pippa Passes is a verse drama by Robert Browning. It was published in 1841 as the first volume of his Bells and Pomegranates series. The author described the work as "the first of a series of dramatic pieces."  Charmed by the character of Pippa, Alfred Noyes pronounced Pippa Passes to be Browning's best.
Pippa, an innocent silk-winding girl rises on New Year's Day, her only day off for the whole year! Passing through the environs of Asolo, she radiates kindness and virtue all around. She sings as she goes, her song influencing others to act for the good, reminding them of the existence of a moral order. 
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Pippa Passes begins with a wondrous description of  daybreak --

Faster and more fast,
O’er night’s brim, day boils at last;
Boils, pure gold, o’er the cloud-cup’s brim
Where spurting and supprest it lay—
For not a froth-flake touched the rim
Of yonder gap in the solid gray
Of the eastern cloud, an hour away;

But forth one wavelet, then another, curled,
Till the whole sunrise, not to be supprest,
Rose, reddened, and its seething breast
Flickered in bounds, grew gold, then overflowed the world.

Oh, Day, if I squander a wavelet of thee,
A mite of my twelve-hours’ treasure,
The least of thy gazes or glances,
(Be they grants thou art bound to, or gifts above measure)
One of thy choices, or one of thy chances,
(Be they tasks God imposed thee, or freaks at thy pleasure)
—My Day, if I squander such labour or leisure,
Then shame fall on Asolo, mischief on me!
Thy long blue solemn hours serenely flowing,
Whence earth, we feel, gets steady help and good—
Thy fitful sunshine-minutes, coming, going,
As if earth turned from work in gamesome mood—
All shall be mine! But thou must treat me not
As the prosperous are treated, these who live
At hand here, and enjoy the higher lot,
In readiness to take what thou wilt give,
And free to let alone what thou refusest;
For, Day, my holiday, if thou ill-usest
Me, who am only Pippa,—old-year’s sorrow,
Cast off last night, will come again to-morrow—
Whereas, if thou prove gentle, I shall borrow
Sufficient strength of thee for new-year’s sorrow

All other men and women that this earth
Belongs to, who all days alike possess,
Make general plenty cure particular dearth,
Get more joy, one way, if another, less:
Thou art my single day, God lends to leaven
What were all earth else, with a feel of heaven,—
Sole light that helps me through the year thy sun’s!
***              ***                ***                         ***              
Now Wait!—even I already seem to share
In God’s love: what does New-year’s hymn declare?
What other meaning do these verses bear?
All service ranks the same with God:
If now, as formerly He trod
Paradise, His presence fills
Our earth, each only as God wills
Can work—God’s puppets, best and worst,
Are we; there is no last nor first.
Say not ‘a small event!’ Why ‘small?’
Costs it more pain than this, ye call
A ‘great event,’ should come to pass,
Than that? Untwine me from the mass
Of deeds which make up life, one deed
Power shall fall short in, or exceed!
And more of it, and more of it!—oh, yes—
I will pass by, and see their happiness,
And envy none—being just as great, no doubt,
Useful to men, and dear to God, as they!

***              ***                ***                         *** 

Pippa's song appears in the middle of Part I of Pippa Passes:

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Sunday 10 May 2015


2015-19  Elizabeth Barrett Browning - "Earth's crammed with heaven!"

Elizabeth Barrett Browning [1806-1861]
Elizabeth Barrett Browning [1806 – 1861] was one of the most prominent English poets of the Victorian era. She began writing poetry at the age of four and at twelve wrote an epic poem The Battle of Marathon, in Homeric styleHer poetry was widely popular in both Britain and the United States during her lifetime.   

The courtship and marriage between Robert Browning and Elizabeth were carried out secretly as she and her siblings were convinced that their father would disapprove. Six years his elder and an invalid, she could not believe that the vigorous and worldly Robert Browning really loved her as much as he professed. After a private marriage at St. Marylebone Parish Church, they honeymooned in Paris. Browning then imitated his hero Shelley by spiriting his wife off to Italy, which became their home almost continuously until her death.

Her humane and liberal point of view manifests itself in her poems aimed at redressing many forms of social injustice, such as the slave trade in America and the labor of children in the mines and the mills of England. Among her most popular works may be mentioned "The Cry of the Children" [1843], "How Do I Love Thee?" ["Sonnet 43 in the "Sonnets from the Portugese"] [1845] and Aurora Leigh, a verse-novel [wherein occurs the "Earth's crammed with heaven" [1856]. 

From ‘Aurora Leigh’
By Elizabeth Barrett Browning 

And truly, I reiterate, nothing’s small!
No lily-muffled hum of a summer-bee,
But finds some coupling with the spinning stars;
No pebble at your foot, but proves a sphere;
No chaffinch, but implies the cherubim;
And (glancing on my own thin, veinèd wrist),
In such a little tremor of the blood
The whole strong clamour of a vehement soul
Doth utter itself distinct. Earth’s crammed with heaven,
And every common bush afire with God;
But only he who sees, takes off his shoes,
The rest sit round it and pluck blackberries,
And daub their natural faces unaware
More and more from the first similitude.

Earth's crammed with Heaven


From ‘The Cry of Children’
By Elizabeth Barrett Browning 

Do ye hear the children weeping, O my brothers,
      Ere the sorrow comes with years ?
They are leaning their young heads against their mothers, —
      And that cannot stop their tears.
The young lambs are bleating in the meadows ;
   The young birds are chirping in the nest ;
The young fawns are playing with the shadows ;
   The young flowers are blowing toward the west—
But the young, young children, O my brothers,
      They are weeping bitterly !
They are weeping in the playtime of the others,
      In the country of the free.


How do I love thee
from ‘The Sonnets from the Portugese'
By Elizabeth Barrett Browning 
How do I love thee? Let me count the ways.
I love thee to the depth and breadth and height
My soul can reach, when feeling out of sight
For the ends of being and ideal grace.
I love thee to the level of every day’s
Most quiet need, by sun and candle-light.
I love thee freely, as men strive for right.
I love thee purely, as they turn from praise.
I love thee with the passion put to use
In my old griefs, and with my childhood’s faith.
I love thee with a love I seemed to lose
With my lost saints. I love thee with the breath,
Smiles, tears, of all my life; and, if God choose,
I shall but love thee better after death.

Sonnet 43: "How do I love thee?" EBB [Click Here] 4:32 min


YouTube Audio: The Cry of the Children EBB [Click Here] 9:22 min



Sunday 3 May 2015


2015-18 Napoleon Hill's Law of Success -- "Uneducated Millionaire?"

What is "education"? Dr. Napoleon Hill defines  it as "organized knowledge". In his masterpiece "The Law of Success", in first lesson "The Master Mind", we come across the true life story of an "uneducated millionaire?" complimenting the "junk man millionaire!", we saw earlier.

The president of a well known college inherited a large tract of very poor land. This land had no timber of commercial value, no minerals or other valuable appurtenances, therefore it was nothing but a source of expense to him, for he had to pay taxes on it.
The State built a highway through the land. An "uneducated[?]" man who was driving his automobile over this road observed that this poor land was on top of a mountain which commanded a wonderful view for many miles in all directions. He [the ignorant one] also observed that the land was covered with a growth of small pines and other saplings.
He bought fifty acres of the land for $10.00 an acre. Near the public highway he built a unique log house to which he attached a large dining room. Near the house he put in a gasoline filling station. He built a dozen single room log houses along the road, these he rented out to tourists at $3.00 a night, each. The dining room, gasoline filling station and log houses brought him a net income of $15,000.00 the first year.
The next year he extended his plan by adding fifty more log houses, of three rooms each, which he now rents out as summer country homes to people in a near-by city, at a rental of $150.00 each for the season. The building material cost him nothing, for it grew on his land in abundance (that same land which the college president believed to be worthless).
Moreover, the unique and unusual appearance of the log bungalows served as an advertisement of the plan, whereas many would have considered it a real calamity had they been compelled to build out of such crude materials.
Less than five miles from the location of these log houses this same man purchased an old worked-out farm of 150 acres, for $25.00 an acre, a price which the seller believed to be extremely high.
By building a dam, one hundred feet in length, the purchaser of this old farm turned a stream of water into a lake that covered fifteen acres of the land, stocked the lake with fish, then sold the farm off in building lots to people who wanted summering places around the lake. The total profit realized from this simple transaction was more than $25,000.00, and the time required for its consummation was one summer. Yet this man of vision and imagination was not "educated" in the orthodox meaning of that term.
Let us keep in mind the fact that it is through these simple illustrations of the use of organized knowledge that one may become educated and powerful.

In speaking of the transaction here related, the college president who sold the fifty acres of worthless (?) land for $500.00 said: "Just think of it! That man, whom most of us might call ignorant, mixed his ignorance with fifty acres of worthless land and made the combination yield more yearly than I earn from five years of application of so-called education."