
Sunday 26 March 2017


2017 0326 13  Homeopathic Cures: Aethusa, Mag-Carb

Aethusa Cynapium
In the present post, l shall tell about two cases, where I used a Repertory* for finding out the correct remedy. 

The Aethusa case came in the year 1972. It was a summer morning. [I was working as a Lecturer in ACCET Karaikudi then and used to go to Chennai to meet my homeopathy-teacher during summer vacations  for practical training in Homeopathic case-taking and prescribing.]

My teacher's wife told me, "Our elder daughter is suffering from diarrhoea. Yesterday the doctor gave some medicine. It has not stopped. Why don't you try? The child also complained of rats running under the bed, whereas there was none.

Aethusa 30c
I went upstairs to the doctor's clinic and referred to Dr Kent's Repertory. In the chapter Abdomen, under the heading Diarrhoea, scores of medicines were mentioned. I also saw in the chapter Mind, under the head Delusions, the following line: "rats, running across the room: Aeth, ail, ars, cimic, med." [p.31] Only five medicines, with Aethusa italicised, implying its importance.

In Kent's Materia Medica, under Aethusa, the opening sentence caught my attention: "Until Aethusa was known a certain class of cases of cholera infantum, and vomiting and diarrhoea in children, all resulted fatally." [p.40]

I gave one globule of Aethusa 30c, and the child became normal the same day with that single dose.

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Magnesium Carbonica
The Mag-carb case belonged to the year 1990. My wife [aged about 40 years] complained of toothache one evening. Unbearable pain; lower side; molar; sound tooth. I gave some routine medicines [Cham, Merc, Staph], one at a time, to no effect. The next evening, she asked me to take her to a dentist, and I obliged. It was a Thursday.

The dentist, after examining her, said that the complaint was due to the cutting of wisdom tooth. "You come on Sunday morning. It's like a major operation. I shall have the paining tooth removed." He prescribed some pain-killers to be taken in the mean time, if needed.

Mag-Carb 200c
The same night, around 11 pm,  the pain recurred, and my wife, who could not lie down due to pain, got up and was pacing [walking with slow regular strides] the hall. I took up  Knerr's Repertory [one of the most exhaustive and comprehensive of all Repertories] and saw under Toothache about 40 medicines; and under toothache at night in bed, about 20 medicines.

A few lines farther,  I came across a single line, very pertinent to the case under study: At night, compelling one to rise and walk about: MAG-C [p.329]. A single, simple remedy!

Opening Boericke's Materia Medica, under the head Magnesia Carbonica, I came across the following line "Ailments from cutting wisdom teeth." [p.414]

I gave my wife, one globule of Mag-Carb 200c and with that single dose, the toothache disappeared completely, and has not recurred to this day, even after more than two decades! 

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Characteristic Symptoms of the Individual Patient:

What has the symptom 'delusion of seeing rats under the bed' to do with diarrhoea? What has the symptom 'rising from bed and pacing the room' to do with toothache? Is it not strange?

Dr Oscar E. Boericke
In Boericke's MATERIA MEDICA WITH REPERTORY, the opening paragraph [p.995] of the THERAPEUTIC INDEX holds the answer to these questions:

"Any attempt to select the proper homeopathic remedy for any case except by the study of the totality of symptoms will prove futile. In order to prescribe homeopathically, the essentials for doing so must be observed, i.e., to let the characteristic symptoms of the individual patient, largely independent of the pathological nature of the case, be paramount in selecting the remedy.

Dr Samuel Hahnemann
To understand its significance, study Section 153 of THE ORGANON OF MEDICINE by Dr Samuel Hahnemann:

"In this search for a homeopathic specific remedy,... the more striking, singular, uncommon and peculiar (characteristic) signs and symptoms of the case of disease are chiefly and most solely to be kept in view; for it is more particularly these that very similar ones in the list of symptoms of the selected medicine must correspond to, in order to constitute it the most suitable for effecting the cure." 

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*Repertory: A book with an orderly arrangement of rubrics, that is,  symptoms and the corresponding remedies [medicines causing those symptoms and effecting the cure].

Three of the most important Repertories are:

It has been said that to become thoroughly familiar with the use of one Repertory, it would take at least a decade. I understood the truth of this statement in my practice, while I was using Kent's Repertory in the 1970's, Boericke's Repertory in the 1980's, and Knerr's Repertory in the 1990's. From the year 2000, I refer to any one or more or all of these Repertories. 

YouTube Video: Aethusa [Click Here]

Sunday 19 March 2017


2017 0319 12  Homeopathic Cures: Lycopodium, Pulsatilla


In the last posting, I presented two homeopathic cures, making use of Arnica and Apis-Mel, as First-Aid remedies. No reference to books such as Materia Medica or Repertory was made. Nor was it necessary. 

Today I shall delineate two cases from my diary, where I used Materia Medica*

Once, in the early 1970's, I suffered from acute throat inflammation. The complaint started on the right side and spread to the left. And there was aggravation from 4 pm to 8 pm. 

At one stage, It was difficult even to swallow saliva. It was paining as if pricked by a sharp thorn. Colleagues warned me that it might develop into diphtheria. Just as Epictetus said "enjoy your fever too", I was excited and enjoyed my throat inflammation also for a few days, for confirmation of the symptoms.

Right to Left. 4 pm to 8 pm aggravation.  These are characteristic of Lycopodium. I studied in Kent's Materia Medica [pp. 703-704]. I took LYCOPODIUM 1M one globule at 9 pm and by midnight I was all right. All the inflammation had gone. I squeezed my throat and felt no pain! What a wonder!

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The next case came about in the late 1970's.  My sister had come to our parents' home at Kancheepuram for confinement.  My wife and I were also there for assistance.  In those days, babies' deliveries took place at home! A midwife stayed with us for help.  

Labour pain started at 7:30 pm.  There was no appreciable development in labour even after a few hours. Uterine inertia. At 11:00 pm, the midwife informed us that she had tried her best to no avail and the doctor had to be called. 

I called our mother aside, gave her one globule of PULSATILLA 1M and asked her to give it to my sister without the knowledge of the midwife. Done. In the next 30 minutes, the child was born.  Normal delivery!

Dr W.A.Yingling's "Accoucheur's Emergency Manual" which I carried with me is a gem of a book.  On pp. 167-168, it presents Pulsatilla as follows: "Labor: Uterine inertia. Pains ceasing; too weak; ineffectual; very slow labour. Uterus seems almost inactive. Give Puls high for promt success with any symptom."  

Salute Dr Yingling! Salute Homeopathy! And Salute Dr Samuel Hahnemann, the founder father of Homeopathy!

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*Materia Medica are encyclopedia of therapeutic properties of simple medicinal substances. These properties are ascertained through provings on healthy human beings. They thus constitute a homeopathic prescribing reference guide and sources for compiling Homeopathic Repertory. 

Hahnemann's Organon S143

To understand its significance, study Section 143 of THE ORGANON OF MEDICINE by Dr Samuel Hahnemann:

"If we have thus tested on the healthy individual a considerable number of simple medicines and carefully and faithfully registered all the disease elements and symptoms they are capable of developing as artificial disease-producers, then only have we a true materia medica - a collection of real, pure, reliable modes of action of simple medicinal substances, a volume of the book of nature, wherein is recorded a considerable array of the peculiar changes of the health and symptoms ascertained to belong to each of the powerful medicines, as they were revealed to the attention of the observer, in which the likeness of the (homoeopathic) disease elements of many natural diseases to be hereafter cured by them are present, which, in a word, contain artificial morbid states, that furnish for the similar natural morbid states the only true, homoeopathic, that is to say, specific, therapeutic instruments for effecting their certain and permanent cure."

Three of the most important Materia Medica are:

1] Kent's Materia Medica by Dr James Tyler Kent, M.D.
2] Boericke's Materia Medica by Dr William Boericke, M.D.
3] Guiding Symptoms of our Materia Medica 10 Vols. by Dr C. Hering, M.D.


Full Text of Dr W.A.Yingling's "Accoucheur's Emergency Manual":
[Click Here]

Sunday 12 March 2017


2017 0312 11  Homeopathic Cures:  Arnica, Apis-Mel

Arnica Montana
Dr James Tyler Kent writes about Arnica in his Materia Medica: "Arnica is very important remedy in injuries, bruises and shocks, injuries of joints, injury of the back with lameness and soreness. The black and blue appearance of sprained joints will go away in a surprisingly short time, the soreness will disappear and the patient will be able to manipulate that joint with surprising ease. A high potency of Arnica is most satisfactory in bruises, and when no decided contra-indication is present, Arnica is the first remedy."

One night, in utter darkness, I fell into a coal pit on a railway track*. On examining myself at home, as to the after effects of falling into a coaI pit, I found that there were a few abrasions and contusions; and severe bruised pain throughout the body. I took ARNICA 1M one dose internally and applied CALENDULA mother tincture to the abraded parts. I became normal in two days time.  

[Remember Arnica for internal contusions, soreness and bruised pain after injuries and Calendula for all open wounds and abrasions.]

Arnica patient is extremely sensitive, his joints are sore and tender, and he is afraid they will be hurt. Hence he will say, "Keep away, keep away."

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Honey Bees
Once I was bitten by not one or two but a swarm of bees when a bee hive was disturbed by some miscreants who ran away.* 

The angry bees landed on my face and head and stung at about two dozen places.  I also ran away from the scene, wrenching out the bees one by one while running. 

Regaining composure after about ten minutes, I managed to reach my home about 2km away, by bicycle. 

Once at home, I took a basin of water, poured about 5ml of APIS MEL mother tincture in it, and smeared my face and head with that medicated water repeatedly.  I also took APIS MEL 30 internally.  The bumps on my head and the swelling on my face and the stinging pain subsided in slow degrees and I was normal the  next day. 

For bee and wasp stings, the remedy is Apis Mel which is prepared from the venom of honey bees. Apis Mel is a great remedy for all inflammatory complaints of the eyes. Inflammations that are erysipelatous in character. Enlarged blood vessels. Oedema of the whole face.

*See comment 1 for the context.


Sunday 5 March 2017

BHAGAVAD GITA 2:48 YOGA: EVENNESS OF MIND [समत्वं योग उच्यते]

2017 0305 10  Bhagavad Gita 2:48 Yoga: Evenness of Mind [समत्वं योग उच्यते] 

Krishna says to Arjuna: 'Do actions from the yoga level of consciousness.' [योगस्थः कुरु कर्माणि] BG 2:48. It constitutes a complete and comprehensive philosophy of life. All actions come from a particular level of consciousness. That consciousness level from which positive actions come, positive good to society comes, is called the yoga level. Then comes the definition of yoga. 'Yoga is evenness of mind, balance.' [ समत्वं  योग उच्यते ].

Sama is the descipline of the mind. Dama is the discipline of the senses. When sama and dama operate, then samatvam becomes well established. This calmness, samatvam, becomes a natural state by constant practice of these two virtues.

There is nothing particularly impossible, nothing mystical about it; any human being can do it, can achieve it, here and now, in the context of daily life and work. This is the great teaching Sri Krishna is giving us. Do work, but the consciousness level from which your work proceeds must be of that nature; stable and steady; that is called buddhi-yoga.

The whole nation stands to gain by applying to one's life even a little of this Gita teaching. And this Gita will in due course inspire thousands of people in all parts of the world. 

So many are reading this great Song Celestial all over the world. After some decades, the effect of all this study and teaching and practice will be found in the emergence of a better humanity, purer, more compassionate, more intelligent, more efficient.

The yoga of the Gita sponsors all these virtues and graces in people in all parts of the world. And so in this verse BG 2:48, Sri Krishna tells all humanity through Arjuna: yogasthah kuru karmani and samatvam yoga uchyate.

If you want to become great as a person, you have to achieve all this by handling your mind. We rarely handle our minds. We handle tools, but the biggest tool is the mind itself; we never handle it. We let it go in its own way.  So the Gita tells us 'Handle the tools, but handle the mind also. The tool of all tools is the mind.

[Swami Ranganathananda: Universal Message of the Bhagavad Gita Volume 1 pp.189-192].