
Sunday 6 September 2015


2015-36  Yama [Social Ethics] and Niyama [Personal Ehics] Pala:
 Benefits of Ethical Practice

In the second chapter Sadana Pada of Patanjali's Yoga Sutras, slokas 2.35 through 2.45 list the benefits of practising Yama and Niyama.

2.35 When one is firmly established in Ahimsa [non-violence], then all living creatures will cease to feel enmity in one's presence.

2.36 When one is steadfast in Satya [truthfulness], one gets the power of obtaining the fruits of good deeds without performing them.

2.37 When one is estabilished in Asteya [non-stealing], all wealth comes to one. A lack of desire for material benefits, attracts those benefits.

2.38 When one becomes steadfast in Brahmacharya [celibacy], one acquires spiritual energy.

2.39 When one is steadfast in Aparigraha [non-greed], one gains knowledge of the past, present and future.

2.40-41 Saucha [Internal and external cleanliness] being established, arises purification of the heart, cheerfulness of the mind, concentration, conquest of the organs, and fitness for the realisation of the Self. 

2.42  From Santosha [contentment] comes superlative happiness. 

2.43 As a result of Thapas [austerity], impurities are removed. Then special powers come to the body and the sense organs.

2.44  As result of Svadyaya [self-study] which includes study of scriptures as also japam, that is, repeating the name of  one's personal deity, one obtains the vision of the chosen deity. 

2.45  By Isvara pranidhana [sacrificing all to Isvara or God], comes Samadhi. 


The Study and Practice of Yoga Vol II Chapter 72:
Yama and Niyama - Swami Krishnananda:
[Click Here]

Yamas and Niyamas - Exploring Yoga's Ethical Practice - Deborah Adele:
 [Click Here]


Yama and Niyama - Foundation of Spiritual Practice - Chandra Om:
[Click Here]


The ten living principles - Yama and Niyama - Donna Farhi:
[Click Here]



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